A Partnership That Works

Veolia's Bayonne Partnership
The Bayonne Bridge shown at dusk, lit up with lights

Today Bayonne is a thriving small city with a stable tax base, strong economic growth and a bright future. There’s no question that the Bayonne Veolia Partnership Agreement helped make this possible.

Prior to the Agreement:

  • Severe annual budget crisis since 2000
  • Department of Environmental Protection blocking all new construction
  • 40% of Bayonne’s water lost to decaying infrastructure
  • Bayonne’s low bond rating meant no way out

The Partnership Agreement gave the City:

  • $150 million that closed the annual budget gap
  • an end to threats of lay-offs and major tax increases
  • a commitment of another $157 million for water system improvements
  • opened the door to MOTBY and economic growth
  • safe, clean, dependable drinking water

The Agreement also included a schedule of rate increases that are consistent with costs ratepayers pay in other cities. 

From 2014 through 2018, wastewater treatment costs increased nationally by an average of 5.6%. In Bayonne, the increase was much lower at 5.0%.

Prior to the 2012 Agreement, the city’s now defunct Municipal Utilities Authority fees increased by 90.4% over the previous ten years.

Now that you know the facts about this historic Agreement, we hope you agree--Bayonne and Veolia are Proud Partners for a Great City’s Future!

A Veolia employee is pictured wearing a hard hat and safety glasses